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References | Geodatabase, GIS/LIS, Geoportal & Globe Development
Establishment of Planning Database and Information System
MOMRA - Saudi Arabia
(Rectification, georegistration and vectorization of structural, master and subdivision plans Kingdom wide)
Campus GIS Establishment
KSU - Saudi Arabia
(terrestrial mapping, processing and georegistration of over 20,000 drawings and GIS & AM/FM & Geoportal establishment, Integration with Maximo)
(2003, 2009-2011)
Consultancy for GIS Establishment
SAR - Saudi Arabia
Satellite Mapping
MOWE - Saudi Arabia
LU/LC, GIS and LIS Establishment
GIS & CCC Development jointly with Jeraisy
NIC / MOI - Saudi Arabia
(Development of MOI Geodatabase & Geoportal & AVL, Prototype Command Control & Incident Management software packages)
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