Government / Ministry Portals
Development of e-government Modules, IT Applications, Maintenance and Operation (DisNET consisting of over 90 Modules.
DisNet is a successful e-governmenttechnology developed for Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The underlying modern technology and know-how enables Disnet to be adapted to any large institution. Services provided to meet your insitutional requirements are as follows:
Institutional analysis
Examination of current status​
Determination of requirements
Collection of data at a single source
Adaptation or development of modüles for any institution
Setup and education
Technical support and maintenance
e-Government applications require extensive administrative work in addition to cutting edge technology. We have spent extensive time and effort on ease of use, adaptation of personnel to the new technology and a healthytransition process during the developmental stage of DisNet.
Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)
BelgeArsiv is a high-technology document management system. BelgeArsiv is a web based application that has been tested by thousands of users and millions of documents.
BelgeArsiv is a fully featured modern document management system;
Handle all document management through a browser
Ensure secure, authenticated access
Support for electronic signature
Acquire metadata through government services
Extremely fast search
Mobile extensions
Multiple signatures and workflow design
Integration with scanned archives
Partial List of Customers;
Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Turkish Ministry of EU Affairs
Yunus Emre Instıtute
Afghanistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Agriculture - Saudi Arabia
Archival Digitization & Automation
Archives, which have properties such as recalling connections with the past and unknown events of such times, make up the memory of a society.​
For centuries up till now, archives have been arranged according to the needs of the time, striving to meet the demands. ​
Definition of archive services and determination of targets concerning archive management are needed.​
First of all, establishing an infra-structure which consists of essential managerial conditions such as legislation, human resources, finance and education; and also planning the archive management are required.​
In this context, execution and management of archive services are performed in line with predefined targets.​
When working in a setting of coordination with in-house bodies and related institutions is assured, archives are efficient foundations that can be easily accessed, when needed.
Archival Automation and GIS Establishment
Istanbul Greater Municipality - Turkey
(2M Pages and 100,000 Drawings is being scanned, digitized and georegistered)
Archival Digitization and Automation
MFA – Turkey
(45M Pages sorted, scanned, attributed and archived by 300 people)